Narcissistic mirrors, over-elaborate lighting systems and unfortunate fashion trends fill in a little more of this widely held perception, which includes everything except for progressive politics. And disco arouses 'ear worms' that emit the shrill white pop of the Bee Gees, who stripped the genre of its black groove en route to becoming its best-selling band.
Disco also triggers thoughts of John Travolta, the star of Saturday Night Fever, striking his white-suited peacock pose of unrestrained Brooklyn machismo as he takes to the dance floor. In the popular imagination, disco conjures up images of Studio 54, the celebrated New York 1970s nightclub, where hoards of would-be dancers queued up on a nightly basis, waving their arms frantically in an attempt to catch the eye of the venue's doorman, as if they were at an auction bidding for their own lives. Translated into Italian by Francesco WARBEAR Macarone Palmieri